Monday, January 2, 2012

Introduction to posts costumes

First post of the year, and it's time for a new post. I got my acceptance e-mail and now an honours student! Huzza! It's a cause for celebration, it means that I can start and focus on what I really want to do once I get out of here; make my way into the theater set design realm.

I've made a point that this will not be a “academic” blog right from the start. My writing style is write whatever is on my mind and then refine, refine, REFINE. This is why I've decided to go and complete this blog in the style of 750words. The idea is that I just write whatever is on my mind at that particular moment about my life, and just keep writing until I hit my goal and finish you train of thought. I've done it away from honours, and it is very very useful. I feel good after I write down the things that have been on my mind, and it clears my head. It's been such a good idea, that me and a friend have pledged that we will do this everyday. (By pledge, I mean “Bug each other until we do it.”)

As my life will be all about honours this year, it'll be constantly on my mind. I need to be able to put all those thoughts down just in case that I forget something along the way. In turn, it will keep me sane and stop me talking constantly about my project somewhere else (as I am already doing that on my blog. This exercise is purely a train of thought, and if someone says something that I disapprove of, I will state it plainly on this blog. It will give me time to reflect on what you have said and I may even make a compromise. Do not take offense :D

Okay, maybe I should start on my primary thoughts on what my project will need done. It's gonna be a hellova lot of work, but I think it will be really satisfying. I've been primarily thinking on how to incorporate the use of typography into each and every facet of the stage design. From the lights to costumes to set to opening the show and closing the show and even between the acts. I know that I will have fun looking at all of these things, I will be happy to research all these topics throughout the year.

I guess a good start will be writing about the aspects that I have been thinking of the most. The costume designs for each of the characters.

I'm lucky that I have actually performed in the musical with Penrith Musical Comedy Company and have seen the 1978 recording of the show. I have formed my costume ideas around the ideas that have been set while watching/reminiscing about each performance of Into the Woods. There is a lot of symbolism in the choices that the directors of each show had made, and now as I'm in the creative director's role, I have to add my own twist, which would be through the use of typography.

I was thinking of using passages from the brothers grimm's fairytales in their costume design, as the storyline of the musical is based of the brothers grimm retellings of the tales. This also means that the costumes should be strong and bold, as people usually think of fairytales as light and airy, but the grimm's retellings are anything but! Eyes getting plucked out by birds, falling into a patch of briar and being blinded or being outcast in the desert by your mother due to having an unexpected encounter with a guy... Not family friendly, but gets the point across. I have to reflect these themes in the costume designs.

So, in my project proposal, I stated that I will fully realize a single costume. I was thinking of treating myself. Which means I think I will create the baker's costume for myself, and if I'm allowed to, wear it around the graduate exhibition.

The baker the the main character of the story and is from the Rapunzel storyline, though he isn't referenced (the one referenced in the book is his father) ; all he wants is a child, but has to go on a journey to collect certain items for a witch due to his father stealing magic beans from her garden. Optimistic in the first act, reaching for a reason to live in the second, he goes though a lot of different emotions and inner dialogue and is a very complex character. Once I get the script of the show, I will go more in depth with my character analysis, but as I cant think of lines off the top of my head, it's time to end the post.

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