
I've had my first talk with my supervisors, and we have pin pointed the areas of reading that I have to look at. Here will be a bibliography of sorts, with links to the blog posts with my review of the texts. This is so that I will have a quick and easy time finding all of my research when I have to complete a literature review for one of my subjects. I have about 7 different topics to look over, but that's due to the nature of my project.

Here is the list, broken up into sections. Once I have reviewed the book, I will then add a link to the citation for a quick go to.

  • Theatre design - Sets, costumes and props
  • Creative precedents in dimensional typography
    • Abbink, Jeanette, and Emily C. M. Anderson. 3D Typography. New York: Mark Batty, 2010. Print.
  • Visual Communications in space/place
  • Experimental Typography
  • Intertexuality
  • Context and History of the Fairytale
    • Angela Carter
  • Aurality to Literacy back to Aurality
    • Walter J. Ong
  • Further reading into "Into the Woods"
    • Sondheim, Stephen, and James Lapine. Into the Woods. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 1989. Print.
    • Talbott, Hudson, Stephen Sondheim, and James Lapine. Into the Woods. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2002. Print.
    • Sondheim, Stephen. "Into the Woods." Look, I Made a Hat: Collected Lyrics (1981-2011) with Attendant Comments, Amplifications, Dogmas, Harangues, Digressions, Anecdotes and Miscellany. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2011. 57-109. Print.
  • Unordered readings (Haven't found them, but able to cite them - will place into categories once I have looked at the books)
    • Mitchell, William J. Placing Words: Symbols, Space, and the City. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2005. Print.
    • Smith, Virginia. Forms in Modernism: A Visual Set : The Unity of Typography, Architecture and the Design Arts. New York: Watson-Guptill, 2005. Print.

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