Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My First Post


Let me get right into it. I'm Joshua Borja and hopefully this blog will be a requirement for Honours thesis. Does it mean that I have to be really formal? I don't think so, I'll just get to rewriting everything that sounds a little bit casual.

A little background on what is actually happening. I am exploring the use of typography in theater design. As a graphic designer, am I able to use typography as the only technology to create a suitable and comprehensive theater design without heavily relying on other graphic design elements (like illustration, photography...)? With this creative work, I have to write 5000 word exegesis, detailing how I researched and went about changing, modifying and creating my creative project.

This will be a place to put all my ideas down; write short reports on the current use of typography on stage in theater productions, comment on how the letterform "A" could be used on stage, and go through my vision of the musical "Into the Woods" by Stephen Sondheim as though I were directing a production of it. Also, random musings on interesting experimental typography may find it's way into this blog as well. If my honours thesis doesn't fall through, then I'm not quite sure what I will do with this blog.

Enough of an introduction, hopefully you will see more posts in the future.

It's an exciting wait,

Signing off